POROUS is located in Potsdam, just southwest of Berlin. Potsdam/Potsdam-Mittelmark is a place of expertise, synergies and togetherness: First-class funding policy meets founder- and investor-friendly structures and a smooth transfer from science to practice. For more (Mehr) marketable innovations in the fields of life science and medical technology. The Mehr-Investition Website interviewed POROUS’ CSO Kay Raum about our experience in the Potsdam eco-system. You can read the original interview (in German) on the mehr-investition website, or read the English translation below.

Why did you choose Potsdam as the seat of POROUS?
We are still close to the Charité, where we conduct a large part of our clinical studies. But the funding opportunities were much more attractive in Potsdam. We also benefit here at the Potsdam Science Park from the proximity to other start-ups and science. We see very good opportunities for cooperation here.
With which start-ups can you imagine cooperating?
The fact that we work side by side with ThinkSono here in the Potsdam Science Park, who also develop technologies at the interface of ultrasound and AI, is something special. Compared to other countries, ultrasound is underrepresented in German science. It is therefore all the more gratifying that the exchange with ThinkSono is made easier for us simply by the physical proximity. Even if our technologies are very different, we still speak the same language.
… and with the scientific institutions?
I have worked intensively with the Max Planck Institute (MPI) in the past, and one of our employees also did his doctorate at the MPI. I also see potential for further cooperation in the future. With regard to the implementation of scientific work and the recruitment of excellent young scientists, we benefit from the proximity to the University of Potsdam, the MPI and the other top research institutions in the region.
Which funding opportunities do you use?
Two days before Christmas 2021, the ILB accepted the ProFIT program. That was definitely one of the best moments of the last year! The funding means that we can now really take off and will soon be able to launch the first generation of devices on the market. We also received funding as part of the “Foundation innovative” program to examine the effects of introducing POROUS technologies in Germany and Great Britain as part of a health technology assessment.
What kind of support did you receive from the business development agency?
It was really a very positive experience. The contact was warm and we felt very well looked after when looking for a specific location. We had very productive talks with Ms. Bormann from Potsdam City Hall and she and her team quickly put us in touch with the right people to talk to about the process and the specific to-dos involved in settling and funding.