POROUS participates in MedTech Pitch Day 2023 in Berlin

The POROUS team participates the 9th MedTech Pitch Day on March 29, 2023 at the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus in Berlin, and is thus one of 10 start-ups from the medical technology sector that will be allowed to present their idea on stage. More than 100 young companies from all over Europe have applied and only 10 have […]

3 questions with POROUS – an interview with the Potsdam Science Park Blog: “The opportunity to contribute to the health of many people around the world is our driver. It is also what convinced the jury”

“The opportunity to contribute to the health of many people around the world is our driver. It is also what convinced the jury”. The European Innovation Council Accelerator Grant is awarding POROUS from Potsdam Science Park with 2.5 million euros worth of funding. In the “Three questions with…”- interview for the Science Park Golm Blog Post, […]

POROUS has successfully won the highly competitive EIC Accelerator grant

The team of POROUS takes pleasure in sharing the outstanding news of receiving the European Innovation Council Accelerator grant, which enables European start-ups to develop and scale up game-changing innovations. The EIC Accelerator grant includes direct funding of €2.5 million and equity investment. The overall goal is to support clinical research in which the POROUS […]

Meet POROUS at the IUS 2022 in Venice, October 10-13 2022

The International Ultrasonics Symposium aims to bring together more closely the ultrasonics communities around the world with the ultrasonics industry. The IUS Symposia 2022 will be held from October 10 – 13, 2022 in Lido (Venice, Italy). Meet our team right there and enter into direct dialogues with the inventor Prof.Dr. Kay Raum and our CTO […]

Meet POROUS at OSTEOLOGIE 2022 Baden-Baden, 18.-20. September 2022

We are excited to present the POROUS bone diagnosis technology at the OSTEOLOGIE 2022 in Baden-Baden in September. The inventor of the POROUS technology Prof. Kay Raum will share the latest study results and show the fracture discrimination performance in postmenopausal women with low bone mineral density by multiparametric bone ultrasound imaging. OSTEOLOGIE 2022 is […]

POROUS in Potsdam, an interview with CSO Kay Raum

POROUS is located in Potsdam, just southwest of Berlin. Potsdam/Potsdam-Mittelmark is a place of expertise, synergies and togetherness: First-class funding policy meets founder- and investor-friendly structures and a smooth transfer from science to practice. For more (Mehr) marketable innovations in the fields of life science and medical technology. The Mehr-Investition Website interviewed POROUS’ CSO Kay […]